Bone Grafts and Sinus Lifts

If gum disease has advanced and cannot be reversed with conservative approaches to care, periodontal surgery may be recommended. In this way, any bacteria and tartar from between the teeth and gums can be removed, and gingival pocket depth reduced. With successful periodontal surgery, improved oral hygiene, and care, the risk of further damage to the bone and soft tissues supporting the teeth diminishes. Periodontal surgery not only helps to prevent and address tissue damage to preserve your natural smile, but it can also help avert systemic problems linked to gum disease.

Treating Periodontal Pockets and bone loss

A surgical procedure to clean and treat any damage to both the gums and underlying bone may be recommended when periodontal pockets are deep (5mm or more). Today, traditional periodontal surgery and laser procedures offer effective options to reduce pocket depth and restore tissue health.

Bone Grafting

Bone graft procedures address hard tissue loss from dental disease, missing teeth, or trauma. With a bone graft, dental bone can be rebuilt to its original dimensions. Bone grafts restore bone volume to support optimal facial esthetics as well as facilitate the successful placement of dental implants. A bone graft provides a platform or “scaffolding” for new bone growth. A bone graft can be placed immediately upon the extraction of a tooth or some time after tooth loss.

Sinus Lift

This surgical procedure involves lifting the maxillary sinus membrane and adding bone graft material to provide the bone height needed to support a dental implant.

Soft Tissue Grafts or “Gum Grafts”

In addition to the development of pockets and bone loss, periodontal disease can cause the gums to recede, thereby exposing the roots of the teeth. By performing a gum graft procedure, which is also known as a “gingival graft or soft tissue graft,” the soft tissue over the exposed area of the tooth is surgically replaced.

Hours of Operation

8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm